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Alka-Seltzer dissolves faster in hot water, because water is the ultimate solvent, and when water is hot, the rate of dissolving of solubility is higher.

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Kaleb Becker

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Because you are sick after long night drinking

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It is made of bi-carbonate and citrus acid. For most it is acrid to the tongue. (It does not taste good at all. It is medicine.)

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Alka-seltzer is a weak base and when added with a wek acid (water, coca=cola...etc) it creats fizz. Also alka seltzer has baking soda in it andit u mix that with anything it will fizz up. :)

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Alka-Seltzer was invented in 1928, to cure America from a devestating flu that affected half of the AMERICAN POPULATION.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

sodium bicarbonate

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Can you drink milk after drinking alka seltzer?

Not really because when you take Alka seltzer you usually take if cause of the cold/ other symptoms you may have, and its not a good idea to do so.

Is Alka-Seltzer dissolved in water a heterogeneous mixture?

No a seltzer has a gas phase and a liquid phase so its heterogeneous.

What reaction occurs when alka seltzer and vinegar react?

Alka seltzer has an antiacid built into it, so the reaction starts off fast, but will slow to a normal pace. The Vinegar's acidic level will be neutralized.

How do you use Effervescent in sentence?

Alka seltzer is so effervescent I can't drink it - but I love soda.

Can you take alka seltzer plus if you are taking Paxil?

can u take alka seltzer plus severe sinus with 20 mg of lexapro

What happens if you dissolve alka seltzer in orange juice and Will alka seltzer dissolve faster slower or the same as in water?

Orange Juice is Acidic - Alka-Seltzer is a base (Alkaline) - It would be like trying to light a candle made out of ice. What you can do is putt 60 Alka-Seltzer tablets in a glass mason jar with 80% water in it and screw that top on tightly to deal with depression and heartburn. I found this works better than mixing with orange juice. I also know how to make a hole in a beer can toward the top so essentially you are drinking out of a cup for increased guzzle ability.

Why does alka seltzer fizz faster when it's crushed rather then when it not?

You increased the surface area, so it dissolves faster.

Does alka-seltzer dissolve quicker in cold or hot water?

the warm water would speed up the reaction expediting the gas release. also hot water can't hold as much gas. so the answer is 2 part. for the medicinal properties you want to have more gas absorbed so you want it cooler, that really is what helps your stomach, the gases, but for the alka-seltzer rockets etc you want it warmer.

What are alka seltzer tablets made ou of?

They are made out of citric acid, aspirin, and sodium bicarbonate. They have a Ph of about 4, so it is acidic.

Does the temperature of water effect how fast alka seltzer dissolves?

Yes, the temperature of water does affect how fast Alka-Seltzer dissolves. Warmer water speeds up the process by increasing the kinetic energy of the water molecules, enabling them to break down the Alka-Seltzer tablet more quickly. Cooler water will result in a slower dissolution rate.

What is the slogan for alka seltzer?

The Answer for the Advert was made in 1953 so the slogan is....Plop,Flop,Fizz,Fizz what a relief it is 'Plink,Plink,Fizz,Fizz.

What is the relationship between water and alka seltzers?

Alka Seltzer tablets contain baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and citric acid, which react with water to produce carbon dioxide gas. When the tablet is dropped in water, it dissolves and releases the gas bubbles, creating the fizzing sensation. This reaction helps to break down stomach gas and provide relief from indigestion.