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Q: Why does a woman seem to become multi-orgasmic all of a sudden?
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No dreams are irrelevant. If you get dreams that you cannot seem to understand, then it is very likely that your sudden death is imminent.

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Remembering that deviance does not mean the act is illegal or immoral in nature, a societal norm tomorrow may be that it will not seem odd for a woman to shave her head.

What is deviance today that may become societal norms tomorrow?

Remembering that deviance does not mean the act is illegal or immoral in nature, a societal norm tomorrow may be that it will not seem odd for a woman to shave her head.

Husband throws woman to alligator she recovers and becomes a model to get him back?

If the husband isn't in prison for his cruel and dangerous actions then this woman who has become a model should avoid her ex husband and avoid alligators too. Neither one seem to be particularly good for a modeling career.

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it does seem that way...

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A woman who exhibits perverted behavior can be referred to as a female pervert.

What is the adjective in the sentence she feared that she would seem like a silly woman?

Silly is the adjective.

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Because your a werewolf

Is few a linking verb?

No.A linking verb links the subject of a sentence with the information that it's about.List of Linking Verbs:to be (is, am, are, was, were, has been, have been, had been, is being, are being, was being, will have been, etc.)to become (become, becomes, became, has become, have become, had become, will become, will have become, etc.)to seem (seemed, seeming, seems, has seemed, have seemed, had seemed, is seeming, are seeming, was seeming, were seeming, will seem)