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a labourer needs more energy because he works more than anyone

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Q: Why does a person doing work need more energy?
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Why does an active person need energy?

They need energy because someone could go to the park and have a run around they need that energy to do it they also. Need energy to do more active and physical sports. By kasie leigh bevan

What happens to peoples energy as they get older?

They need less energy because they don't do as much as when they were younger. Unless they are doing heavy work then they do require more energy

Why do teens who do sports need more calories?

A calorie is a unit of energy. When anyone does physical exercise, the body uses more energy than when the person is not moving. In order to get that extra energy, the person must eat more. In addition, teens generally need to eat more calories because their bodies use energy to grow, build bones, and fully develop.

Do you need energy in doing work?

Yes. Basically, work is the transfer of energy.

Why does a man doing heavy work need more energy?

When a man is doing heavy work, his body requires more energy to fuel the increased muscular activity and effort. The additional energy is needed to sustain the physical exertion, support muscle function, and maintain overall performance during the heavy work.

How does a person's level of physical activity affect his or her daily energy needs?

If a person exercises for 2-3 hours a day, he would require more energy compared to a guy who doesn't exercise. This is because. the more exercise/physical activity you do, the increased amount of energy you use. Therefore, your body would need to replenish that used energy. This is done by increasing his/hers daily energy needs. A person who doesn't exercise would have a lower energy need as they don't use that much energy compared to an athlete.

How do you get lightning on virtual villagers 5?

You need to get more energy. To get more energy you get it by having a big population. For each person you get three max energy, which gets removed if someone dies. You also gain Max energy permanently by finding NEW relics.

Why does an athlete need to eat more protein?

The answer is simply athletes do more sports than most people e.g swimming, tennis etc. but, athletes need more protein to do this as they use up most energy on doing the sport they do.

Which clients need more calories than the average person elderly disabled injured person or mentally ill person?

Injured People, Because the recovery process consumes more energy. So you need more calories than the average person to help with quick recovery and healing.

Why you need to have abundant energy resources?

A person may need to have abundant energy resources for conserving energy. This allows a person to use alternative resources of energy, like solar energy for their home versus traditional electricity.

Why do you need carbohydrates before doing exercise?

Carbs provide energy

Why does teenager need more energy than a 5 year old?

Because if you read this you are a bad person!HAHAHAHA