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Q: Why does a man wear a ring on a necklace?
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Related questions

Can a man wear a necklace?

Of course a man can wear a necklace.

Can you wear a purity ring as a necklace?

Yah, like you can either wear a actual necklace or you can put the ring on a chain. Which ever u prefer. My mom's getting me a purity ring and I'm gonna wear it on my finger till it don't fit anymore. Then I'm gonna put it on a necklace.

Something you can wear beginning with n?

Nightgown, Nose ring, Necklace, Noose,

What man wears toe ring?

what does mean man wear toe ring

On what thumb does a man wear his ring?

The one on which the ring fits.

What can you wear that starts with o?

Overcoat, Orange hat, Old trousers. an Opal ring ,or necklace, etc..

In the US if a man engagement with a woman A man wear engagement ring or not?

In the US if a man is entering into an engagement with a woman it isn't traditional for the man to wear an engagement ring. The woman is typically the one who wears the engagement ring.

What hand does a married man wear his ring on?

A married man wears his ring on the left hand.

Does Nick wear jewelry?

Um, He only does that once in a while.. sorta kinda but he does wear his purity ring all the time on occasion he will wear a necklace but i have never seen him or ne of his broz wear earings and of course he always wears his purity ring

Do you usually wear jewelry?

Only a watch a necklace and nose ring when I do...otherwise no...I dont like lots of Jewelry!

Why do you wear a wedding ring?

To show the love and fidelity that you have for your husband/wife.

What does Drake wear around his neck in Uncharted 3?

Nathan ("Nate") Drake wears a ring attached to a necklace. The ring was originally from his ancestor, explorer Sir Francis Drake.