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because lots of germs get stuck in there. And dead skin and bacteria and fungi which believe it or not are hard to kill, even with soap and water. You should try The Navel Fresh Spray, it's made just for smelly belly buttons. It smells great too!

Improved Answer from SuperGreen1: The cause of the smell is from the fungus Candida which lives in our intestinal tracts; it has invaded your naval tract for reasons I'll discuss below. Becuase it's a fungus and not a bacteria, all the anti-bacterial stuff people do to try and fix it is ineffective, including taking oral antibiotics which can even make it worse. Too much moisture around the opening is only half the problem for most folks: after bathing or in any sweaty condition, swab it with alchohol, and let it dry out totally each time. Don't rub the area hard while washing: you want it to heal itself shut again! Keep your belly button as moisture-free as possible at all times to prevent giving the fungus a place to grow. Apply a topical antifungal like tea tree oil to the area once or twice a day until symptoms clear.((I know this sounds icky, but if you're starting out with "goo" in there, it's best to squeeze it out before beginning treatment.)) That's what you do on the outside. Now for the inside of you:

If you tend to love your: coffee, alcohol, ibuprofen, sugar, stress, and 'wolfing' your food, I have bad news. All of these things, in addition to having insufficient digestive enzymes (evidenced by acid reflux, etc.), actually contribute to your stinky belly button problem; you have to cut back on all of these things significantly in order to heal. These things contribute to a condition called Leaky Gut Syndrome, in which the yeasts in your digestive tract (Candida) run rampant and cause inflammation of the small intestine where they live. This inflammation causes tiny openings in the gut lining, allowing microbes and even small food particles to leak out of the intestine and into the abdominal cavity. (On a side note, these same particles can kick off the immune system, triggering Allergies, Asthma, and fluid build-up in the abdomen, among other things. Everyone's different.) If this Candida yeast gets into your naval tract (often with the help of a previous surgery opening, but not always)...viola! Stinky belly button. The infection can start from the outside to, but this is how it starts from the inside.

You have to heal your small intestine in order to avoid your belly button problem from recurring. Here's how: For two weeks, avoid the stuff mentioned just above. Add as much lemon, lime, garlic, ginger, and vegetables to your diet during this time as you can (it's a good habit to stay in). Chew all your meals and snacks slowly, limit your portion sizes, and take digestive enzymes with each meal (usually available in chews). Take probiotics daily (like what's found in live-culture yogurt or in pill form) for the two weeks. Probiotics are naturally found in the healthy intestine, but get killed off by overgrowth of Candida; you got to replace 'em to put things back in balance. You will also daily want to take an amino acid called glutamine that is fairly tasteless and can be mixed into drinks. Follow the label dirctions. Glutamine helps calm the inflammation and thus helps reseal your digestive tract so it's important to take it. Take omega-3 fatty acids or eat foods high in them. Staying hydrated and keeping up on your fiber will help flush out the fungus as it dies.

If you follow this regimen for two weeks, then keep up your healthy eating habits, you will likely never see this problem pop up again.

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13y ago
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17y ago

It is probably just bacteria that has grown and hasn't been cleaned out in a while. Remember to clean your bellybutton thoroughly with soap and water every time you shower and the smell will go away.

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16y ago

Sebum, a secreated oil from skin, allowed to collect due to poor washing habits. This secreation will cause a foul odour to occur if left uncleaned.

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15y ago

I dont think your belly button does smell , but if you dont wash enough then yer it will !

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14y ago

Because you never wash it, your breath would smell the

same if you never washed your teeth :(

You mean if you never brushed your teeth? Loser.

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11y ago

Lack of personal hygiene is what causes the girls belly button smell.

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14y ago

Because you are a poo head

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Lvl 1
4y ago
Dude u r RUDE ASF

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15y ago

No soap

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