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Feet turn black in peripheral gangrenous changes, in diseases of arteries which lack to supply blood distally, due to insufficiency.e.g.DIABETIC FOOT .

Feet turn blue in Peripheral cyanosis, in cardiovascular diseases , especially in children,in arterial insufficiency to regulate oxygenated blood to the distal extrimities. E.g. TETRAD OF FALLOT.

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13y ago

Local area bruising and broken capillaries or poor circulation. Gangrene. Frostbite. Mineral deposits from sweating. Dyes from shoes and/or socks. Diabetes. Black-Spot Poison Ivy dermatitis (rare).

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Q: Why do your feet turn blue and black?
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If you are wearing black or blue socks, wash your socks in hot water to get rid of the excess dye. Or perhaps your shoes are too tight. If that's not it, then you should see a doctor. Tomorrow. Maybe even tonight.

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the color BLACK is the missing color that will turn light blue, dark blue.

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Yes there is a blue switch in the option screen to turn it off its a blue switch

When does blue turn to black in space?

right when you leave the atmosphere it goes black and then yeah :D

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