If your feet are feeling like there is something tight on them (which is not the same as saying the skin around your feet feels tight), it is likely that 1 of three things could be occuring: 1) You have edema, or swelling, in the area which is causing constriction on the blood vessels, and thus causes a tingling sensation as blood flow is being reduced. This can be caused by a variety of things, but you'd likely notice the swelling because your shoes would be tight. 2) For some other reason, blood flow is being restricted to the feet. 3) There are also some neurological causes/maladies that can cause this sensation. You are probably, in any case, experiencing feelings of your foot or feet "falling asleep" and possibly some occasional pain. I would recommend that, unless the answer is #1, you need to get checked out. If your feet ARE just swollen, try elevating them and drinking something sugar-free with lemon in it (lemon is a natural and safe diuretic, sugar can cause water-retention).
I would love to answer your question however i happened upon this page in search of answers myself.. my left foot has a sensation mostly first thing in the morning, as if it were sewn together.. i know that sounds a strange description but that is exactly as it feels.. i am a bit concerned about it and wondered if anyone else were experiencing similar sensations (not particularly painful) or if by any chance anyone had any possible answers/diagnoses? any help would be appreciated hence i am am supplying my email address - lockorc@Yahoo.com
frogs feet feel like slime they kind of feel like gel
tight pain mang
do you feel something like a hard cord
Imagine something warm, wet and softer than skin pressing tight against your penis, embracing it from all directions.
in a nice manner, suggest that you would like to do something that is not related to work. But do not be a dick about it. If he disagrees then tell him straight on about how you feel NICELY.
Seems like it. I feel like my head is going to explode!
Snakes don't have feet, but instead, they have a tail.
You feel like you finished your jod and feel good about it.
they feel like water and something really solf
it tickles
they cusion your balls very well and keep them tight. I wear them everywhere the make my balls feel great.