The white film on your teeth in the morning is called 'plaque' and is the residue of food bacteria and the dead cells from the lining of the mouth.
The white film covering teeth in the morning is plaque. Brushing at least two times a day should cut down on its thickness.
yes. every dentist ever is suppose to have straight white teeth. if they do not, they are not real dentists
they are as yellow as butter? crooked as a picket fence? black as two in the morning?
Brush them every day.
Whenever possible, drink dark colored beverages with a straw so you are not likely to stain your teeth. Maintain a good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth regularly morning and night to prevent plaque and tartar that gives teeth a duller color. Brush your teeth or chew gum cleaning after every meal to minimize discoloration from food and drink. Use mouthwash when brushing to fight bacteria. For further info do visit Stella White online.
you can do so by wetting your toothbrush and dipping it in baking soda and brush your teeth with it daily (morning, afternoon and night) and you will see the drastic changes.
It depends. If you brush after every meal, it won't. If you don't, they will leave permanent white spots on your teeth.
The secret to bright and white teeth is not only brushing your teeth everyday. Nor is it flossing. Sometimes to get bright white teeth you need to bleach them, sometimes as much as going to the dentist and requesting bleach from them.
His teeth are white because the word teeth is a pluralI hope that I helped you ~ Oliviabbie
is Vanna white teeth real
your teeth being white or not has nothing to do with your skin color, i can be white and have different color teeth, so just because your black doesn't mean you have white teeth. think about it. Well the final answer is no. anyone can have white teeth