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because you had a bad dream. no bigee

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Q: Why do you wake up gasping for air?
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How do you use gasping in a sentence?

I gasped for air after being underwater for a long time.

How do you spell ghassping?

If you are talking about taking big breaths for air, that is spelled gasping.

What is apena?

Involves frequent, reflexive gasping for air that awakens a person and disrupts sleep.

If a pre mature puppy is gasping for air what do you do?

If a premature puppy is gasping for air, it is crucial to seek immediate veterinary assistance. In the meantime, you can gently clear any obstructions from the puppy's mouth and keep them warm and calm. Do not attempt CPR without proper training.

How do you get the hicups?

Well, when gas gets trapped in your throat i causes the air to go up then down putting pressure on your voice box causing it to make a gasping noise.

What is sleep apena?

Involves frequent, reflexive gasping for air that awakens a person and disrupts sleep.

How do you say I wake up in spanish?

"I wake up" in Spanish is "me despierto". It is pronounced "may deh-spee-AIR-toe". Please see this site for confirmation of the translation:

What does killer Kane needs from Iggy from freak the mighty?

they are killer

What happened when Two bodies were found on the ground gasping for air with glass all around?

Someone broke the fishbowl.

What does it mean when a guy breathes hard when he is with a girl?

He is so nervous, he is gasping for air. Either that, or he just ate a lot.

Why do you gasp for air?

Gasping for air typically happens when your body is trying to get more oxygen. It could be a response to a sudden shock, physical exertion, or a medical issue like asthma or heart problems. Gasping can help increase the amount of oxygen you're taking in to meet the body's increased demand.

Why is your fish lethargic and gasping for air at the surface of your tank Also the fish was recently treated for a fungal infection that seemed to have worked however the fish still has a little fuzz?

Your fish is gasping for air because it needs air to live. if you don't already have one, I recommend getting a aerator. This allows air to be in the tank with them still being under water. The fish fuzz, I don't know about.