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You should tell this to your doctor as soon as possible, and make sure your parents or caregivers know (they probably already do) if you are still under their care. There are some things that can help you overcome this, and there may be some medical things that need to get checked out. This has nothing to do with you being bad or difficult. In the meantime, you can cut back as much as possible on what you drink during the few hours before bed, and make sure you give yourself an opportunity to empty your bladder before turning in.

Might I add if you are a male, at the age of about 11-13, this might very well just be part of going up.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Its possible sometimes, Depending on how long you were unconscious

although it may happen when you sleep,or if you stay for 3 hours or more you might urinate if unconcious/sleeping

hope this helped!

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βˆ™ 16y ago

i guess a person sleepwalking has no control over themselves

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Q: Why do you urinate while been unconscious?
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