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Stomach breathing is not actually breathing into your stomach. It is breathing as a result of activating your diaphragm - which sits just above your stomach and pushes on your stomach when its pulling air. Diaphragm breathing is deeper breathing and it's where you pull more air into your lungs. Once the deeper parts of your lungs are filled, the air fills the upper part of your lungs in your chest...

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Q: Why do you switch from breathing into your stomach to your chest?
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Hiatal hernia is a condition in which a portion of the stomach protrudes upward into the chest, through an opening in the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the sheet of muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. It is used in breathing.

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A pneumothorax is a chest wound that allows air to flow into and out of the chest without breathing. When a person presents with a pneumothorax, there is air in the pleural cavity.

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What sections separates superior and inferior portions of the body?

There could be many answers!But I think you are referring to the DIAPHRAGM (the main muscle of breathing) which separates the THORAX (your 'chest') from your ABDOMEN (your 'stomach' area)

What s the difference between rescue breathing and CPR?

During CPR, the chest compressions are applied; during rescue breathing there are no chest compressions used.

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Just to be on the safe side...take him to the vet it might be lodged in his throat or stomach. He having hard time breathing...

What are the examples of rising-falling?

Breathing - when you breathe in, your chest rises; when you breathe out, your chest falls.