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because you are too far to see their real shape.... because you are too far to see their real shape....

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Q: Why do you sometimes see stars white dots?
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When you look up in the sky why do you see dots not stars?

When looking up at the sky, you see dots instead of stars because stars are extremely far away and appear as tiny points of light due to the vast distances involved. The Earth's atmosphere and light pollution also scatter and block much of the light emitted by stars, making them appear as dots or points of light.

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Change 50 of the white dots to green dots then press the door. See related link for screenshots.

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it means you should see a doctor

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See your doctor for advise

Can you see the moon and stars at day time?

You can see the moon sometimes

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Do you see the three white dots on the bottom of the screen? That is the inventory

Why do stars have a similar bluish white color?

Stars have a similar bluish white color due to the gases that are inside of them. When you see stars that are bluish white you know that they contain a lot of hydrogen.

What stars are considered a white dwarf?

See related question.

Where can you find a star?

During the day, when the sky is clear, you can find a big, white or yellowish ball of fire on the sky, about the size of the full moon. It is called the Sun and is the closest star to Earth.Also, during the night, you can see tiny dots of light on the sky. Those are mostly stars, but a few of the brightest dots are actually planets, so you need more knowledge to figure out which are stars and which are planets.So, looking at the day sky for the Sun is the easiest way to find a star.

Why can't I see the stars when I can see the moon?

Sometimes the brightness of the light from the moon drowns out the star's light.

Why do humans see stars as white?

Stars emit light in all colours (some more than others) but these combine and appear white to the human eye.

What time does the stars come out?

depends. when it get dark enough. sometimes its too cloudy so you wont see stars anyway.