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It is because all the body system is at rest.

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Q: Why do you pee more at night and more than you drink?
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Alcohol is adiuretic. You will pee more than you drink.

Is something wrong with you if your pee turnes darker?

When your pee is darker it means it's more concentrated so you need to drink more water, the more water you drink the lighter your pee will be and the less smelly too.

Why do you go pee before you go to bed?

Usually you do this so you dont pee in the bed. Yet it can be more comfortable than holding it all night. You most likely would pee before you go to bed so that you dont wet the bed. Also it may be more comfortable for you than to hold it all night.

What are some really facts?

An interesting fact is that; when you drink more juice your pee turns into a darker yellow. If you drink more water your pee is a lighter yellow.

What happens if you drink more than 64oz of water per day?

u hav 2 pee real bad

When you are cold and you are peeing to much?

I'm sorry but what do you mean by this question... If what you mean is "When you are cold do you pee more" the answer is no. It doesn't matter the weather. Whats important is the amount of liquids you drink through out the day. If you drink too much liquids the possibility is that you will pee much more than usual.

How do you make yourself pee a lot?

What a stupid question. To urinate more, drink more

What does pigs drink?

the drink pee

Why do you pee?

you pee because you pee that's why! that is not why... it is much more complicated... you drink fluids... they go through a process where your body takes what it needs from the pee... all the extra stuff goes out where your parts are... that is why you pee

Is it unhealthy if you pee frequently at night?

It depends on what you mean by frequently. Once a night is normal, maybe even twice. But any more often than this may indicate a urinary problem. If your sleep is being interrupted more than twice a night, you should see your doctor.

What happens if you drink more water?

nothing you'll have to just pee a lot.

Why do old people pee more?

if people pee more that means they drink liquids or in puberty you will pee in your pants but you wont know if you have to pee but if you are a girl don't worry it won't happen because it is only on males so me :*( that means i am sad