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You should use a condoms whenever you are going to have sex. Wear a condom can prevent having unwanted pregnancies.

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Q: Why do you need to use condoms the first week you start the ring from day 2-5 of your period but not if you insert it on day one of your period?
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Can you insert NuvaRing during your period?

Yes it is, and not only it is possible but you should insert a new nuvaring exactly 7 days from when you took it out, period or not. You should keep the ring in and take the ring out according to the schedule on the calendar, regardless of any bleeding you have.Yes you can. I have been on nuvaring for 3months and yes you can put it in while you have your period. it will not stop your period from leaving your body. you can also use tampons while having it in but just make sure you do not pull the nuvaring out while you pull out the tampon.Yes, that's a normal thing to do. You should put it in according to the schedule, regardless of any bleeding.

Can you start your birth control now at the end of your cycle?

1. Sunday Start. Start the first pill of your pack on the first Sunday following the first day of your menstrual period. For example, if your period began on Tuesday, start your pills the following Sunday. If your period begins on Sunday, start your pills the same day. Use extra protection (condoms) for at least two weeks. You will have 28 pills to take. When you finish a pack of pills, start a new pack the next day regardless if you are still having a period or not. 2. Same Day Start. Begin your pills on the very first day of your menstrual period. No extra protection is needed if you are absolutely sure this is a normal period. Even though I would suggest you use condoms or some type of protection.

Can you start to use the contraceptive patch right now?

Yes, but if "right now" is not the first day of your period, you will need to use back up (like condoms) for the next seven days.

If you started your period for the first time ever on a Thursday and you took your first pill ever that Sunday while you were on your period is that bad?

No it isn't bad but you should take the pill the day your period starts. Because you took it during the middle of your period you'll probably be around 3-4 days late for your next period and your start date may of changed.AnswerYOu should also use condoms or similar additional birth control for the first week if you do not start on the first day of your period. In later months you willnot need to do this as long as you have not missed any pills.

Can you start conceiving from 10th of your period?

You can start conceiving from your first period.

Do you start your 28 day count from the first day of a period?

You start counting on the first day of your period.

Do you have your period every month when you first start?

You may not have your period every month when you first start. This is because your periods will be irregular.

Will your period come on if you keep the NuvaRing in?

Not necessarily. You can start your first ring with or without your period. If you start without your period, you should use a backup method, like condoms or abstinence from vaginal sex, for the first seven days. After that first month, you should put in the NuvaRing right on schedule, whether you're bleeding or not. For a large proportion of Nuva Ring users, that means inserting the next month's ring while you're still bleeding. It's not unusual to have breakthrough bleeding during the first few months of use.

You are on the combined pill and your doctor told you could start anytime so you didnt start the first day of your period will your period still be 28 days after or will it be on your 7 day break?

You won't have your period until you start your last week's inactive/sugar pills. If you wait too long to start, you may have some spotting, as your body is being "thrown off" its usual schedule. Also... *very important*... because you did NOT start your pack on the first day of your period, the first entire pack will NOT be effective birth control! Make sure you use a back-up for the first month, such as condoms or spermicide! Once you're on the pill, you just keep taking one pill per day, and it's effective throughout each cycle (assuming you didn't miss pills). However, your first pack of pills, or your first pack of a new brand of pills is ONLY effective if you start it on the first day your period. Many people will actually tell you that the first pack isn't fully effective, regardless of when you start it.

If you ended your period over a week ago can you still start the pill for the very first time on the following Monday and will it still be effective?

Yes, just use a backup method like condoms or abstinence from vaginal sex for seven days.

Can you Start birth control on the first day of your period?

Yes; if you start birth control on the first day of your period, you'll have immediate protection.

How do you make your first period start?

You don't make it start genius.