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Q: Why do you need to breathe continually even when you sleep?
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Why is very important to breathe?

Because you need to drop the air out your body so when you go to sleep you can breathe well

How do great white shark sleep?

They don't sleep. Great White Sharks need to move to breathe. although they do rest.

How do dolphins sleep and not drown?

Dolphins sleep with one hemisphere of their brain still active so that they can perform the life functions they need to perform such as surfacing to breathe.

Why do whales need to breathe air despite living in water?

Whales need to breathe air because they are mammals, like humans, and require oxygen to survive. Even though they live in water, they have lungs and need to come to the surface to breathe.

Why do we need to breathe all day and all night?

You need to breathe all day and night to keep oxygen in your blood. Your body requires oxygen even when you are sleeping.

What do you need to breathe in and out?

You need to breathe in oxygen and you need to breathe out carbon dioxide.

Do you need to sleep at your boarding school even if you live close by?

no you don't youneed to get lots of sleep to get energy of the day

What the importance of rest and relaxation?

Sleep deprivation can lead to psychosis or even death. You need sleep to consolidate your memories and even to maintain a healthy body weight.

Do living things need to breathe?

yes, animals, humans, and even plants nêd air to live

Is it seriously bad that you only get 3 hours of sleep a night because you can not sleep at even if your not tired?

Yes, it is. Your body does need rest.

What do you think would happen if you kept playing softball even though you needed sleep?

If you keep playing softball even though you need sleep, you could get hurt. The ball could hit you, you could run into another player, fall, or any number of things. If you need to sleep, you should stop playing. Though accidents can happen when you are refreshed, they are more likely to happen when you need to sleep.

Why don't dogs hypervenilate when panting?

they need to breathe i guess?? they need to breathe i guess??