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what is patassium used for what is patassium used for

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Q: Why do you need patassium?
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Why do plants need patassium?

hi my names archie

What is the formula for Patassium Nitrate?

Potassium Nitrate has the formula KNO3. Patassium Nitrate is a typo.

What rhymes with hassium?


What food has iron and potassium?

I know that bananas are patassium rich.

How many electrons are in patassium?

This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a periodic table.

How much potassium in spagetti?

howmuch patassium is in spagetti? and does patassium help you run longer or faster or anywhere in that are of running because im in crosscountry and have a meet coming upsoon and ive heard to eat spagetti the night before your meet?

Why does k is a symbol of patassium?

First of all it is NOT 'patassium' , but 'Potassium;'. The chemical symbol 'K' for potassium is from Latin, and means 'Kalium'.# Similarly, Sodium ( Na ; Nadium).

What are formulas for calcium chloride and patassium phosphate?

The chemical formula for calcium chloride is CaCl2, and the chemical formula for potassium phosphate is K3PO4.

What foods have high levels of patassium?

The most well-known high potassium food is probably bananas. Other foods high in potassium include potatoes, zucchini if eaten with the skin, apricots, coffee, tea, chinese cabbage, watercress and mollusks.

What electron configuration represents the patassium element?

The electron configuration for potassium is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1. It has 19 electrons, with the last electron occupying the 4s orbital.

What is the pH value for patassium chloride?

The pH of potassium chloride solution depends on the concentration. At a typical concentration of 0.1 M, the pH of potassium chloride solution is close to neutral, around 7. However, as the concentration increases, the solution can become more acidic due to the hydrolysis of chloride ions.

What is the formula for patassium dichromate?

The chemical formula for potassium dichromate is K2Cr2O7.