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Q: Why do you jerk awake right after falling asleep?
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Why does one kick others while asleep?

Just as part or a dream or an involentary Muscle Spasm, some people suddenly jerk themselves awake again whilst falling asleep ocassionally. Have you ever watched a dog dream? sometimes they flail there legs about as if running, its pretty similar

Why do people jerk awake after falling asleep in class?

Sleep Start Or myoclonic jerk. It can sometimes happen just before people enter a deep sleep, no one is completely sure why it happens but the leading theories are that as your muscles relax you brain is fooled into thinking it is falling and wakes you abruptly so you can catch yourself. This may also have something to do with the fact that you may not be in a place where sleep is normal or allowed and your brain knows this, so the logical conclusion based on that, is that you would be falling. Many fewer people report this sensation in bed, it is usually reported when falling asleep somewhere else.

What makes you jerk awake?

ur senses

When would you experience a hypnagogic jerk?

As you fall asleep

Why do you have that falling feeling in bed?

The sensation of falling when you are in bed is known as a hypnic jerk. It is believed to be caused by the brain's misinterpretation of muscle relaxation as a signal that your body is falling, hence the sudden jerk or jolt awake. Stress, anxiety, irregular sleep patterns, or excessive caffeine intake can contribute to experiencing hypnic jerks.

Why does pit bull jerk when asleep?

Because they're dreaming. All dogs do that, I think.

Why your body jumps when sleeping?

if its right when you fall asleep its because your brain was still working then your heart rate and breathing went down quick so your body thinks your ganna die the jump is a shock sent through the body to wake you up and get everything going again if its right when you fall asleep its because your brain was still working then your heart rate and breathing went down quick so your body thinks your ganna die the jump is a shock sent through the body to wake you up and get everything going again

What does it mean when you find yourself falling in a dream?

it means thats what your thinking about even if you dont know it thats what you want to happen.Answer:Falling dreams usually occur just as the dreamer is drifting off to sleep, and represent "falling asleep" in a literal image. Such dreams often end with a sudden physical jerk back into wakefulness, as the conscious mind resists relinquishing control to the subconscious.> When falling dreams occur during other sleep stages, they generally represent the dreamer's feeling out of control in some area of real life.

What does it mean when you are falling in a dream and never hit the ground?

The dream of falling which effects you so much that you wake up means: That you are suffering from extreme insecurity during this period or sometime before you went to sleep. It could also happen due to an event that had a strong frustrating effect on you leaving you feeling helpless. Dreams of falling are very common as one drifts between the waking state and sleeping. Often the dreams represent a literal expression of "falling asleep." These early sleep cycle dreams have no other special meaning.

What do you do with the arrows on tap tap tap revenge?

you have to like jerk the itouch or iPhone the way the arrow says arrow -> = jerk it right<- = jerk it left ^ I = jerk it forward like your hitting a drum v

What do you do if the guy you like laughs at you for falling down the stairs?

slap him in the face! Answer He's either extremely immature or a jerk.

What is monitor to the face in office jerk?

It's when you throw the computr screen with the zombie face on it right on the the face of the jerk.