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tiny gas bubbles get trapped between the bones

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Q: Why do you have to crack your back all the time?
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What do you get when you get all the zoni in ratchet and clank a crack in time?

When you get all the Zoni aftre you beat Alister Azimuth you go back in time and defeat Lord Vorselon for the last time

Can you crack your toe?

absolutely! I do it all the time

Is it okay if you used to crack your back all the time to take a quarter hit of ecstasy?

Of course not !! It's NEVER OK to take ANY ecstasy.

How does ratchet die?

In ratchet and clank future a crack in time by allister azimuth and then clank goes back in time to save him

Does cracking your knuckles annoy people?

if you crack them all the time, then yes

Can you change armour in ratchet and clank crack in time?

i think you can in crack of time but in ratchet and clank greatest hits game you defentily can

What are some ways to crack my back?

When i crack my back i sit on the ground or a chair or something and just twist to the left and right, it cracks. You could also get someone to crack your back by them walking and pushing on your back.

What is a back crack and sack?

A back, crack and sack is a beauty treatment for men in which hair is removed from the back, from between the buttocks, and from the scrotum.

Is it harmful to crack your neck?

No, just don't force it(Grab your head an pull down) And personly I crack my neck all the time.(I bend my head to my shoulder)

What things crack?

Your back and an egg.

How can you improve your singing voice since you sound whiny and you crack all the time?

vocal coach!

What makes your jaw crack?

If you chew a lot like if you chew gum all the time you jaws will get tired and start to weaken and crack so don't chew a lot! :)) <3