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Yes, because if you don't blow your nose all your mucus goes underneath your eyes and swell up and hurts really bad and you have to go to the doctor and the doctor has to open up wherever the mucus is and take it out .

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Q: Why do you have to blow your nose?
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How do you blow you nose?

You get a tissue and blow!

How do you get chicken pie out of your nose?

blow your nose!!!

What if your nose is wet and you blow it regularly?

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Can you blow your nose while a starting nose piercing is in your nose?

Yes, you can. It may feel a bit awkward but you can definitely blow your nose. Just be aware that you may need to clean the part of the post that is inside your nose after you blow your nose since a small build up of mucus can form.

Does a cow trust you if you blow up its nose?

No a cow will not trust you if you blow up its nose! What kind of question is that????!!!!!

Is it proper to blow your nose into a cloth napkin at a restaurant?

No, get a tissue from the bathroom, better yet blow your nose there too.

Can you blow your nose after a fight?

If you want

Can little girls blow their nose?

Sometimes. Making a sound when you blow your nose depends on how much pressure you put behind the blowing.

Why is it desirable to blow your nose when necessary?

Not always. People blow their noses after they sneeze, because they might feel as if there is snot in their nose. If it is necessary.

How do you not get water in your nose in the water?

Blow out your nose or do it the hard way: hold your nose. I do it both ways

How to swim underwater without holding your nose?

This is the easiest way to not hold your nose underwater. When you go underwater, blow bubbles out of your nose. This will prevent the water from entering your nose. Just blow bubbles out of your nose frequently and no water will get up your nose.

When you blow your nose there is blood?

It's probably nothing. If you picked your nose as a child, you probably have a ruptured blood vessel in your nose. It's nothing dangerous, unless you're losing A LOT of blood when you blow your nose.