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Cuz your gross & shouldn't be shooting up!

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Q: Why do you get hives when shooting up?
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Related questions

Can hives cause joint pain?

It is not unheard of that a condition like hives can coincide with a flare up in arthritic condition's,

What is the best way to set up bee hives?

The best way to set up bee hives is to level a patch of ground in your backyard, raise the hive boxes on cinder blocks, buy beekeeping materials and put the bees in the hives.

Can hives be caused by drinking cups of tea?

Hives are an allergic reaction which shows up on the skin, so if the person drinking tea is allergic to some component of the tea, then yes, they can get hives.

What are the expected results of hives?

Most cases of hives clear up within one to seven days without treatment, provided

Can you get sciatica from shooting up meth?

There is a possibility of you getting sciatica by shooting up meth.

What type Bees build mud hives?

honey bees. i looked it up

Can hives and itching be caused by the kidneys?

A lot of different things can cause hives, including this. Yes, this can cause hives. You should see a doctor if hives continue.

Is it Hive the Hive Hives or The Hives for the band they sing a song on the matrix album Ultrasonic Sound?

the hives

What causes hives on the bottom of your feet?

Hives is an allergic reaction. Stepping on something you are allergic to can give you hives.

Can staph cause hives?

Can staph cause , hives .

What country do The Hives come from?

The Hives are from Sweden. They are a Swedish rock band known for their energetic live performances and catchy punk-inspired music.

What causes hives to flare up with lupus?

Hives can be a symptoms of lupus or can be the result of other things such as allergies. Over the counter topical steroid creams may help. Over the counter oral antihistamines may help. If the hives persist, seek medical attention.