Your nose senses something that doesn't belong and wants to rid the body of it.
When you shiver after sneezing, it either means you are sick or your sneezing sent a cold chill down your spine when all the warmth came out. When a cold chill goes down your spine, it just means you got really cold all of a sudden and your body is reacting naturally. Hear is the best way to beat a cold or flu. First eat lots of chicken noodle soup. ( Unless you are allergic to it.) If you are then just make sure you take your medicine +when you should. Try to stay in bed and blow your nose often.
It's a popular running gag usually referencing the nosebleeding person has seen or thought dirty things.
Gag yourself, tickle the inside of your nose (it will make you feel like you have to sneeze. If you fight it, you'll cry). And unless you're preparing to be a professional actor/actress, crying on demand is a hurtful, deceiving thing to do.
If you sneeze on a Tuesday, you will kiss a stranger. The whole rhyme goes: If you sneeze on Monday, you sneeze for danger; Sneeze on a Tuesday, kiss a stranger; Sneeze on a Wednesday, sneeze for a letter; Sneeze on a Thursday, something better; Sneeze on a Friday, sneeze for sorrow; Sneeze on a Saturday, see your sweetheart to-morrow.
It stands for "Gag Box"
Because when you sneeze the sound you make is "SNEEZE!" ^No, it really isn't. I've not heard one person say "SNEEZE" when they sneeze, ever in my life. I've heard people say "Achoo", "Atishoo" and other ones, but never "SNEEZE".
The term gag factor refers to the gag reflexes. For example, a baby has very sensitive gag reflexes so even small amounts of food may cause the baby to gag.
Sharks have no gag reflex.
probably Over The Nose gag..
You die
It is poo