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This is only in the case of of clinical thermometers, which usually have Mercury inside them. These thermometers have a constriction just after the bulbthat allows the mercury to flow due to the pressure of expansion and contraction but is thin enough not to allow the mercury back into the bulb, to allow people to read the thermometer without having to hurry. people flick the thermometers to force the mercury back into the bulb so that temperature can be taken again.

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Q: Why do you flick thermometers before using them?
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What are 3 main different types of thermometers?

The three main types of thermometers are liquid-in-glass thermometers, digital thermometers, and infrared thermometers. Liquid-in-glass thermometers use a liquid like mercury or alcohol to measure temperature, digital thermometers provide a numeric temperature reading, and infrared thermometers measure temperature from a distance using infrared technology.

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Is Mercury used in thermometers?

In normal and some medical thermometers Mercury is used. That is why you may want to consider using electric thermometers which are more commonly used. They use no mercury.

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Before mercury what was used to fill thermometers?

Alcohol, usually ethanol or colored alcohol mixtures, was used as the filling in thermometers before mercury.

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Digital and laboratory thermometers do not require shaking because they measure temperature electronically or through physical contact with the object being measured. Shaking is necessary for traditional liquid-in-glass thermometers to ensure uniform mixing of the liquid, but modern digital or laboratory thermometers do not have this requirement.

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Some alternatives to thermometers include thermal cameras, infrared thermometers, and non-contact forehead thermometers. These devices can measure temperature without physically touching the person.

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What are the disadvantages of using thermometers that do not contain mercury?

Some disadvantages of using thermometers that do not contain mercury include potential environmental impact due to the use of alternative materials like alcohol or digital sensors, lower accuracy compared to mercury thermometers, and the potential for the thermometer to break more easily. Additionally, non-mercury thermometers may be less durable and have a shorter lifespan.

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