crying causes the body to lower the feel good hormones which are responsible for the overall general psychological health. So to recover the original blood pressure and the adequate hormone level, the brain sends chemical messages to the neurons to induce sleep so that the body can rest and recuperate fully, the tired eyes get an opportunity to relax as well.
When she is pinched or pushed or sleepy
No, feeling sleepy is not a common reaction when turning on a device.
that depends... sometime when you feel sad... you cry. when you feel happy you cr y, too. It's called cry of joy
Yes,but there are also many other reasons to feel sleepy and bloated.
because night is meant for sleeping and after so much long hours of work or of awakeness we feel sleepy- rahul
Yes, alcohol can make you feel sleepy because it is a depressant that can slow down your central nervous system and make you feel drowsy.
It's said that newborns cry when they are sleepy, hungry or gassy. They don't know much else at a young age! See the related links for an article on recognizing your baby's cry.
Your insides. They travel up to your throat when you cry.