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the heat of the bath causes blood to flow to the skin to remove the heat... the more blood to the skin the less for the organs including the brain. and when you stand up after lying down it causes something called orthostatic hypotension which decreases blood pressure as you stand... also caused by some medications (usually blood pressure meds)

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13y ago

Because your muscles contract from the bath water. Therefore, causing you to gain body heat. You probably have a lot of body weight to go along with that, that's why.

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13y ago

It is one of the stages that help you get to sleep for example your most likely to be sleepy and tired after a hot bath the cooling down process's helps you to fall asleep. Hope this helped.

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Q: Why do you feel hot after having a bath?
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When you are having a hot bath thermal energy transfers from your body to the hot warter yesno?

There are hot baths in Iceland where the water temperature is at our body temperature or slightly higher. If you take a bath in water at these temperatures your body will not lose heat to the bath water. At temperatures lower than body temperature it will.

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Escapism is a way of escaping reality. Like, for example, if you're having too much stress on your back, you might take a long, hot bath and feel relaxed by the time you get out.

Why do you feel cold after taking a hot bath?

the explanation for this is to d with the latent heat of water.

What does 140 degrees F feel like?

this temperature is to hot for a bath

What is a hot water bath and how is it used?

A hot water bath is a bath with hot water. You use it to take a bath.

Does a hot bath cools you down?

A hot bath basically relaxes the contracted muscles, and blood vessels and increases blood flow throughout the body. This in turn makes us feel good.

What is the Roman for baths?

The Latin for bath is "balineum" or "lavatrio", if referring to a mineral or a hot bath, it is "thermae".The Latin for bath is "balineum" or "lavatrio", if referring to a mineral or a hot bath, it is "thermae".The Latin for bath is "balineum" or "lavatrio", if referring to a mineral or a hot bath, it is "thermae".The Latin for bath is "balineum" or "lavatrio", if referring to a mineral or a hot bath, it is "thermae".The Latin for bath is "balineum" or "lavatrio", if referring to a mineral or a hot bath, it is "thermae".The Latin for bath is "balineum" or "lavatrio", if referring to a mineral or a hot bath, it is "thermae".The Latin for bath is "balineum" or "lavatrio", if referring to a mineral or a hot bath, it is "thermae".The Latin for bath is "balineum" or "lavatrio", if referring to a mineral or a hot bath, it is "thermae".The Latin for bath is "balineum" or "lavatrio", if referring to a mineral or a hot bath, it is "thermae".

Can you have bath when suffering from typhoid?

When you have high grade fever, you will not talk at all. You will not like to move even for bath. Still you can have sponge bath. That is getting cleaned in your bed only. Once you recover from fever, you can have hot bath.