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Q: Why do you feel dizzy when i look at bright light and i feel like ive been drinking?
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Why would you be dizzy and have slurred speech?

I don't drink on a regular basis but sometimes I experience light headiness, tiredness and slurred speech it feels like I've been drinking when in fact i haven't.

What are some advantages of bright light therapy?

Bright light therapy has been established for treatment of winter depression. Some advantages of the therapy is that it fixes circadian rhythm sleep disorders and depression.

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Yes you can smell beer if a person has been drinking it.

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If I was you, I would do a pregnancy test, it will give you the answer you are looking for. I don't think anyone would want to give you false hopes, as you are trying already to have another baby.

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My experience has been 2 to 5 days, depending on the change in prescription.

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Dizzy Dean's birth name is Jay Hanna Dean.

Why have i been feeling dizzy weak and sleepy?

Well, have you been eating enough? Have you been sleeping enough? If not, that's most likely why your tired and weak and dizzy, you have to be able to eat enough to keep your body going and get enough sleep for the same reason

Does the star light star bright poem have a copyright?

The poem "Star Light, Star Bright" is in the public domain, as it was first published in the late 19th century. This means that anyone is free to use it without needing permission or worrying about copyright infringement.

Who seen a bright ball of light after death?

Many people who have had near-death experiences (NDEs) report seeing a bright ball of light. This light is often described as warm, inviting, and comforting, leading some to interpret it as a symbol of divine presence or a spiritual transition. However, experiences during NDEs can vary greatly among individuals.

What could be wrong if you have been drinking only water for over 2 months and your urine is very bright yellow instead of becoming clearer?

Yellow is from protien. Bright yellow is OK. Dark yellow means you need to drink more water. Unless you feel bad somehow you sound OK to me. -------------------- If you are taking any vitamins or some medications, it can make your urine bright yellow.

What changes in diameter in response to light in the eye?

The pupil is the part of the eye that changes in diameter in response to light. In bright light, the pupil constricts to reduce the amount of light entering the eye, while in dim light, the pupil dilates to allow more light to enter for better vision.