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Sounds like a thyroid problem. Look in "Presciptions for Natural Healing" by Balch

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Q: Why do you feel cold at night and hot on a morning?
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What are the challenges of living in the African savanna?

the challeges are its relly hot there in the morning and cold in the night

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How can people adapt to the hot climate in Italy?

To adapt to the hot climate in Italy, people can stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, wear light and breathable clothing, seek shade during the hottest parts of the day, and use sunscreen to protect their skin from sunburn. It is also advisable to avoid strenuous outdoor activities during the peak heat hours.

What are the changes in day and night?

Day and night occur due to the rotation of the Earth on its axis. During the day, the side of the Earth facing the Sun experiences daylight, while the opposite side is in darkness. As the Earth rotates, different parts of the planet transition between day and night.

How does a desert feel?

It feels very hot and dry during the day and very cold during the night.

Is it hot or cold where roadrunners live?

hot in the daytime, cold at night.

How did the people in the early civilisations measure temperature?

When they feel hot they think it's hot n feel cold then they feel cold

Do savanna stay hot or do it get cold?

it stays hot but gets cold at night

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They get hot in the day but they get cold at night. Deserts can have high temperatures in the day and cold at night.

Why are rocks cold?

Rocks feel cold to the touch because they conduct heat away from our skin, making them feel cooler compared to our body temperature. Rocks have a higher thermal conductivity than air or water, so they absorb heat quickly from our skin when we touch them.

Is the air above a desert hot or cold?

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Is Mars cold or hot in the morning?

Mars is generally cold in the morning, with temperatures ranging from about -76°C to -5°C (-105°F to 23°F). The temperature can vary depending on the location and season.