Why Do We Fall Ill
Anything that prevents proper functioning of cells and tissues will lead to a lack of proper activity of the body. When a person experiences such a condition, he is said to be 'ill' or 'in poor health'.
What is health?
• A state of 'being well'
• A state of being well enough to function well physically, mentally and socially.
Which are the factors important for staying in good health?
• Physical Environment
• Social Environment
• Cleanliness (Personal Hygiene and Public Cleanliness)
• Good Food
• Good economic conditions
• Social Equality and harmony (an example of how community issues effect individual health)
• To have the opportunity to realise the unique potential in all of us
Disease = Dis Ease = Disturbed Ease and there is a specific cause for this discomfort.
Disease is any harmful change that interferes with the normal appearance, structure, or function of the body or any of its parts.
Conditions essential for being free of a disease
• There should be no discomfort to the individual.
• There should be no specific and particular cause for a discomfort
Difference between being 'healthy' and 'disease free'
• It is possible to be in poor health without actually suffering from a disease
• When we think about health, we think about societies and communities
• When we think about disease, we think about individual sufferers
To identify a disease, we look for signs and symptoms.
Symptoms are
• Unfavorable change in the functioning or appearance of one or more systems of the body.
• Signs - things we feel as being "wrong".
• Symptoms give an indication of the disease.
Example: Headache, cough, fever, loose motions, pus in the wound etc are symptoms
Laboratory tests are done to confirm the presence and type of disease.
Types of Diseases (based on Duration)
Acute Diseases Eg. Common Cold
Chronic Diseases Eg. Elephantiasis
An Acute disease does not cause major effects on
general health
A Chronic disease will cause major effects on general
health(Loss of weight, feeling tired all the time, being short of breath)
An acute disease may affect a person for a few days or weeks
A chronic disease may affect a person for years
An acute disease will not cause drastic long term affects on the health of a person.
A Chronic disease will cause drastic long term affects on the health of a person.
(Prolonged general poor health)
First Level Cause
Second Level Cause
Third Level Cause
Infection by Microorganisms
Lack of Good nourishment
Poverty and lack of public
Infectious causes
Non infectious Causes
• are external causes
• Eg. Infectious agents like microbes
• are internal causes
• Eg. Some cancers are caused by genetic abnormalities
• Microbes can spread in the community and infect others
• Cannot infect others
• Lead to Infectious Diseases
• Lead to Non-Infectious Diseases
Control of the disease depends on
• the type of Disease
• the immediate causes
• are they infectious or non infectious
Infectious diseases are caused by Infectious Agents i.e. the microorganisms.
Name of the Disease
Caused by (Infectious Agents)
Special Biological
Common Cold, Influenza, Dengue, AIDS
Live inside host cells
Multiply very quickly
Typhoid fever, Anthrax, Tuberculosis, Cholera
Live inside host cells
Multiply very quickly
Common Skin Infections like Ringworm
Live inside host cells
Multiply very quickly
Malaria, Kala-azar
Multiply very quickly
Some intestinal Infections, Elephantiasis
Multiply slowly
Other Examples:
· Staphylococci, a bacteria causes acne on skin
· Trypanosoma, a protozoan causes Sleeping Sickness.
· Leishmania, a protozoan causes Kala-azar.
Controlling the Infectious Agents:
• Closely related groups have similar life processes.
• Therefore , drugs that block one of these life processes in one member of the group is likely to be effective against other members of the group.
• However , the same drug may not work against a microbe belonging to a different group.
What are Antibiotics?
Antibiotics (Greek anti, "against"; bios, "life") are chemical compounds used to kill or inhibit the growth of infectious organisms.
• Commonly block biochemical pathways important for the growth of bacteria.
• Example- An antibiotic - Penicillin blocks the bacterial processes that build cell wall. If human beings take Penicillin, it will not effect humans as human cells do not have cell walls.
• therefore antibiotics will control a number of bacterial infections.
• Antibiotics do not work against viral infections as viruses do not have the same biochemical processes as bacteria.
• That is why an antibiotic does not control viral infections like common cold.
Spread of Infectious Diseases/How they can be communicated?
Since the infectious agents(microbes can move from an affected person to a healthy person, therefore these diseases are also called Communicable Diseases.
Medium for spread of the disease
Process of spread of the disease
Names of Diseases that can be spread this way
(Airborne Diseases)
· When an infected person sneezes or coughs, little droplets are thrown out by him.
Common Cold, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis.
(Waterborne Diseases)
· When the excreta from someone suffering from an infectious disease of digestive system, such as Cholera gets mixed with drinking water, and this water is used by a healthy person.
Sexual Act
(Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
· Sexually transmitted Disease
· Not spread by casual physical contact like handshakes, hugs etc.
AIDS, Syphilis
How does the AIDS virus spread from a healthy person to a diseased person?
1. Sexual Contact, 2. Blood to Blood contact with infected people, 3. Infected mother to her baby during pregnancy, 4. Infected mother to her baby through breast feeding.
Why do the female mosquitoes of a species, suck blood from warm blooded animals like human beings?
Because the female mosquitoes need highly nutritious food in the form of blood, in order to lay mature eggs.
Manifestation of the Disease(In what ways does the disease affects a person)
How does the microbe enter the body
Organ/ tissue likely to be targeted by the microorganism
Symptoms of the Disease
Examples of Diseases
Through air via nose
Sneezing , coughing
Through Mouth
Gut Lining or Liver
Diarrhea etc.
By Mosquitoes
Headache, fever, vomiting, fits, unconsciousness
Japanese Encephalitis
The above table shows some specific effects.
There are COMMON EFFECTS too.
The body's immune system is activated in response to an infection. An active immune system will send to the affected tissue to kill the pathogens. This causes inflammation.
Local effects of inflammation=swelling and pain
General Effects of inflammation=fever
Severity of the Disease depends on no. of microbes in the body depends on the immune system
Limitations to Principles of treatment for infectious diseases: 1) The body functions may be damaged due to the disease and the patient may never recover completely. 2) Treatment takes time and may cast a lot of money. 3) the infection may spread to other people.
General Methods of prevention: Prevent exposure and availability of proper and sufficient food to build a strong immune system.
How to prevent exposure:
Type of Disease/Microbe
How to prevent exposure
By providing living conditions that are not overcrowded.
By providing safe drinking water, treating water to kill microbial contamination
Vector Borne
Clean environment that does not allows mosquitoes to breed-Public Hygiene
Specific Methods of prevention-are disease specific
Immunisation ie Vaccination by which we can fool the immune system into developing antibodies against a disease.By this method the body builds up 'strength' to fight against a disease.
Questions for reviewing
1) Why is it difficult to make antiviral medicines?
2) What is HIV-AIDS? How does this disease spread from one person to another? List the symptoms of this
disease. What are its general effects? How does a person suffering from AIDS die?
3) How was small pox eradicated?
4) Why are children living in many parts of India usually immune to Hepatitis -A?
5) Name five disease against which vaccines are available.
6) Comment on the following statement: ' Having a disease means preventing subsequent attacks of the same"
Treatment that aims at killing the disease- causing microbe
Usually medicines are used to kill the microbes. The biochemical pathways used by these microbes can be disturbed/blocked.However , care should be taken that these medicines should not effect biochemical pathways important for our body.
Eg. Antibiotics, drugs that kill protozoans, anti viral drugs etc.
Cheater.. Anyway..the answer is absolutely right.. Haha..! ;)
Also.. can someone help me in the following question..
Comment on the following statement: ' Having a disease means preventing subsequent attacks of the same.'
Chat with our AI personalities
Because you have probably caught it of somebody, germs can spread very quickly and make you feel a bit down. The reason you are ill though is because your immune system isn't strong enough to fight it. The best thing to do is to relax, drink plenty of fluids to flush out the system and to stay warm.
Also if you're looking at this because you really are ill, get well soon! :)
The book on " falling ill to become healthy" is "When you fall ill".
They do.
because wether will changes by lot of hotness or lot of coldness due to this our health will fall to ill
You might fall ill
No. Not at all. Nobody willingly and intentionally falls ill. Even teachers may fall ill, and the Principal as well.
They fall ill because they have some kind of a disease or virus. They don't perform because the virus or disease or injury makes their muscles weak.
yes you will you will
Because if you do not you will fall ill and may die.
On hulu it is season 4 episode 96.
you will get the germs from the person who puked and fall ill..r u that dumb?
Restraining Ramu from watching television made him fall ill.
Yes, insurance is a form of a wager. In legal terms it is called an aleatory contract which means that the contract participants agree ahead of time to take certain action in response to a defined event. For example, if you take out a health insurance policy (the contract) You are betting that you WILL fall ill, while the insurance company is betting you WON'T fall ill. As long as you remain healthy they get to keep your premium. If you fall ill they have to pay your medical bills.