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I was diagnosed with a thyroid disorder and when the thyroxine level was increased, the eucalyptus craving disappeared overnight.

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Tracey Carlson

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3y ago
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14y ago

because you're half man/half koala

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Q: Why do you crave eucalyptus oil?
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Where is eucalyptus oil made?

you get oil then eucalyptus leaves. and miss. (jks jks)

Australian tree which yields an oil?

The Eucalyptus tree for one produces eucalyptus oil.

What is the difference between eucalypti and eucalyptus?

Eucalypti is the oil of the eucalyptus.

Can some nail polishes be removed by other removers?

Yes, Eucalyptus oil. Yes, Eucalyptus oil.

Does eucalyptus essential oil contain ammonia?

The principal constituents of eucalyptus essential oil are: Citronellal, citronellol, geraniol, and pinene. The gum contains an antibiotic substance called citriodorol. True essential oils have no addition substances and should be clearly marked as "Essential" oil.

What a Hindi meaning of eucalyptus oil?

Nilgiri oil

Is eucalyptus oil antimicrobial?


What is Tamil name for eucalyptus oil?

நீலகிரி தைலம். (neelagiri thailam OR eucalyptus thailam)

What are the benefits of eucalyptus?

Eucalyptus oil is used in most throat lozenges and can be very soothing to the throat. Eucalyptus oil has also been known to open up the nasal passages during congestion.

How is eucalyptus oil made?

Eucalyptus oil is distilled from the leaf and branch tops of the Eucalyptus tree. There are several methods, but the most prevalent is alcohol extraction. The leaves and branch tips are roughly ground in alcohol and warmed until the oil has been extracted from the biomatter. This is then strained and the alcohol is then evaporated off, leaving behind pure eucalyptus oil.

What is made from eucalyptus trees?

scented oil.

A mosquito repellent that contains dettol baby oil and eucalyptus oil?

You can try 65% baby oil, 5% Eucalyptus oil and 30% dettol. Change the percentages to suit your taste and the effect it has on the nasties.