because even though they have left the world they haven't left your heart !
Everything is possible. Keep on thinking and praying.
you can't, it will eventually end in disaster.
Someone who constantly thinks and reflects on various topics can be described as contemplative or introspective.
it depends if your just thinking about but it doesn't necesarly mean you like him
It means that deep down inside you two still have feeling for each other.
It means don't keep drilling in your point when it is already understood. Such as not reminding people about something constantly.
You can tell her to not put deodorant under her arms. That will keep noses away from it.
You should tell your friend how you feel and that unless she tells them you wont be her friend anymore.
Yes, it does depend on what you are thinking about thinking of but if you keep thinking about thinking, or anything for the matter really, you won't fall asleep.
An information system requires designers and users capable of systems thinking to keep the system dynamic within an environment of constantly changing variables over time.
If you keep thinking about this boy and hes all you think about or talk about you like him. If you want to be close to him you like him.
I Keep Thinking It's Tuesday was created in 1987.