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It might be one or more of the following: spicy food, bacteria in food/water due to poor sanitation, lower resistance to local microbes, stress of travel (weakens immune system), worms (intestinal parasites from food), emotional stress (called "culture shock", gives queazy feeling), eating too much at once (try eating smaller portions, more slowly), or the famed mummy's curse.

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Q: Why do you always get upset tummy when going to Egypt?
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your stomach and you bottom. depending on what sort tummy bug

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well it might be the food you ate before it might have upset your tummy.

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Because you dont want to get an upset tummy do you? So they bake bread so it will taste nice not vile and make your tummy upset! Written By- Ellie Wilson

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No its very poisenes, and it will upset your dogs tummy.

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Try going to the bathroom or throwing up. Sometimes, Its also because you didn't gt enough sleep so take a rest. When your stomach is upset, because maybe your just full, try not run around.

Can a cat get a tummy ache from drinking milk?

Yes, cats can get tummy aches from drinking milk as many are lactose intolerant and cannot properly digest lactose. Consuming milk can lead to symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach discomfort in cats. It's generally recommended to avoid giving milk to cats.

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Because your tummy is upset from the pressure and hormone changes in your body. Good luck!!

What might of caused an upset stomach?

It might of been because of something you have eaten or maybe just a tummy bug.

Was Egypt upset with Hatshepsut becoming pharaoh?

I think it was because she was a woman