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It gives them a goal to work for... as long as you have a goal, you have to go forward, right?

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Q: Why do women always want the man they cant have?
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How do you know if your man is satisfy with you?

Whenever he's in a bad mood and your not trying to use sex to put him in a good mood cause women will think guys are easy to manipulate. Besides women always want to have sex whenever they want it just to give themselves more power but a man always gets rejected. Women never care about a man's feelings.

Why man is craz of sex.............. why cant a women?

Some women do, and the term is Nymphomaniac.

Why can't you get a married man out of your head?

its because hes married that you cant get him out of your head. its purely temptation because hes unavailable you want him more. humans have all ways and will always want what they cant have its completely natural

Why a man cant trust a woman?

A man can trust a women by how they treat you and you have to always stay with that person until you know them or just buy a lie detector and if they lie taze them until they tell you the truth THE REAL TRUTH.

What do women really want in man?


My man doesnt want me to go around any men cause he is really jealous and he says he loves me but he always thinks i am cheating on him and it alright for him to go around girls but i cant be around b?

If I were you I'd tell him to F*** off...why should he be able to hang around other women when you cant hang around other men.

Were there more men or women in Babylon?

There is always more women that man everywhere.

Why Muslim women cant Mary catholic man?

It is forbidden by Allah in Quran .

Can a man release in a women if shes on birth control?

yes but you cant get pregnant

Can women team rope in the PRCA?

as far as i know a women can team rope in the prca they cant discriminate women but the can discriminate a man that tries to barrel race i know this because i have done research and want to be the first gurl to team rope in the NFR