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They don't. It's actually fingernails that grow faster than toe nails.. but why.. good question..

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Q: Why do toenails grow faster than fingernails?
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Are there cases where the toe nails grow faster than the fingernails?

My toenails definitely grow faster than my fingernails. I must be one of the unusual people in this world because everything I read sayd that fingernails grow faster. I know for a fact that my toenails grow faster, but I have no idea why. I wish my fingernails would grow as fast as my toenails! I don't think that toenails grow faster than fingernails, it's that toenails tend to be stronger so they don't break as easily. That's why it seems to some people that their toenails are growing faster than their fingernails; Fingernails are more susceptible to breakage because they are thinner.

Why the fingers nails are grow faster than the toenails?

Yes, fingernails do grow faster than toenails.

Which part of the body grows the fast toenails or fingernails?

On average, fingernails grow faster than toenails. Fingernails typically grow at a rate of about 3mm per month, while toenails grow at a rate of about 1mm per month. However, individual growth rates can vary.

Which nail, among the fingernails and toenails, grows the slowest?

The toenails grow slower than the fingernails.

What protects the ends of fingers and toes?

Fingernails and toenails are plates of stratified squamous epithelial cells with hard keratin that protect the distal ends of the phalanges. The phalanges are the finger bones.You are describing finger nails and toe nails. For some interesting nail facts: fingernails grow faster than toenails. The fingernails on the right hand of a right-handed person grow faster than those on their left hand.

Why do fingernails grow faster than toenails please give more information?

That is a good observation indeed. This happens probably because your hands have better blood supply than your feet.

Why do boys fingernails grow faster than girls?

Trick question.! Fingernails do not grow in either;

Why dont the nail on the toe grow as fast as the nail on the finger?

short answer, oxygen and movement more airflow to your toes increases circulation as does movement spaxton21- my toenails grow 10x faster than my fingernails!

How fast do your fingernails grow?

faster than your moms

What is the difference between nails of fingers nail and nails of your toes?

The nails on your fingers are generally thinner and grow faster than the nails on your toes. Fingernails are also more visible as they are more exposed to daily wear and tear. Toenails tend to be thicker and grow slower due to being covered by socks and shoes most of the time.

Why do some fingernails grow faster than others?

Because Stone Cold said so.

Which collects more bacteria fingernails or toenails?

Fingernails generally collect more bacteria than toenails, as hands are used more frequently and come into contact with surfaces that may harbor bacteria. Additionally, hands are more prone to exposure to dirt, food, and other potential sources of bacteria.