There are various reasons why things make people feel good. They may be things that make them happy, it may be activities that they enjoy.
Ask them how there day was & listen show interest, comment on their appearance or accomplishments, tell them how you feel about them - just think of things that you would like said to you to make you feel good and project those feelings.
Songs that would make a person feel good would ultimately be up to the specific person listening to them, but most songs that have a good beat and good lyrics will make a person feel good depending upon their musical preferences. Songs such as I Wanna Be Sedated and Dog Days Are Over have been some known favorite feel-good songs.
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands......... The happy song........
NO!!! You don't need some guy to make you feel better. You are you!!! You are unique!!! When you look in the mirror don't look for the bad things, look for the good things!!! You'll feel better and you won't even have to use a boyfriend. Now go!!! Look in the mirror!!! Lol!!! Good Luck!!!=)
you can make a picture of things you like, you can make a picture of a landscape, cars, ect. also, you can make a whole lot of other things!!!
Pink can make girls feel happy and feminine. Some may even feel creative, vibrant or attractive when they wear pink.
Because idiots need some one to make feel bad it makes them feel good.
well what elevators do is that they sortof make you feel dizzy and everything and some people in the dizzyness get sick and might get some accidents happening but it makes you feel like your in the air and other things go on.
for a girl Makeup, jewelry, and cozy things and also things to make them feel good and confident. For a boy lego´s, books, not real cars but the ones that are big and go fast and cologne your ten year old will like these gifts it´ll make them feel special and confident to go out into the world.
That's a good question. Writing is sort of like opera -- either you love it or not. I suspect you will never love writing, or you'd already love it.Here are some ways to hate writing less:write about things you are interested in - things you like and enjoywrite about funny things that make you laughwrite about things you really hate - things that make you want to rant and ravewrite about your favorite peoplewrite about anything that makes you feel good
Yes and no. Some people feel good about making contributions to WikiAnswers because they are trying to improve it. However, some people think of it as just fun. Personally, I do it for fun, but I do feel good about being able to answer people's questions.