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People wear spectacles to correct visual conditions such as hyperopia, myopia and presbyopia. Hyperopia (also known as long sightedness) is a condition where the eye cannot focus on near objects and in some cases the eye won't be able to focus properly on objects at any distance. A positive lens which is convex in shape (+ powered prescription) will be used for this condition. Myopia (also known as short sightedness) is the opposite. A myopic eye won't be able to focus on far away objects but a myopic eye can usually to focus on close up objects with ease. A minus lens which is concave in shape (- powered prescription) will be used to correct this condition. Prebyopia is a condition where the crystalline lens which is inside the eye becomes less flexible with age and loses the ability to focus on near objects. This condition is common for people over the age of 40 years. There are also other more complex reasons for people to wear corrective prescription lenses but these are the main reasons.

Or sometimes you don't need them when ur young but ur eyes change as you get older so u may need them when ur older.

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spectacles are glasses like you wear on your face. a microscope is a tool used to identify small objects

Who would wear spectacles?

Someone with less than perfect vision.

Who sells spectacles?

Opticians are people who have the sufficient knowledge to test for eye disorders, recommend and sell spectacles to people.

Can you join the air force if you wear spectacles?

Yes, but you cannot become a pilot.

What is a safety spectacles?

Safety spectacles are protective eyewear designed to prevent eye injuries from hazards in the workplace or during activities like woodworking, welding, or sports. They have impact-resistant lenses and frames to shield the eyes from debris, chemicals, or other potential threats.

Does dogs have good eye sight?

They must have because dogs don't wear spectacles

Why do spectacles have thin lenses?

Spectacles will have as thin or thick lenses as needed to to give the wearer good vision. But sinsce heavy spectacles are more uncomfortable to wear than lighter ones, opticians generally tries to make the lenses as thin as possible.