If your eating a large portion of something, this can effect the smell of semen (diet), semen can also get strange smells from dehydration, or just not washing down there properly... it is suggested that you don't use soap on genitals, however get a pH balanced body wash....
Going on, it can be from urine or left over semen that stays... and a bigger one is having sex at night, and not showering until the morning, every time you do this, it will get worse, no matter how well you clean it the next day (or every day).
Shower after cumming, having sex, or just stuff like that.
Here is someone Else's solution to this:
My solution (and I haven't had this problem since) is Degree deodorant. Apply a little bit around your penis head, and some between your balls and your thighs and the problem will go away instantly. All it is is left over semen, natural body oils, and bacteria...much like the bacteria that causes foot odor. Degree deodorant seems to do the trick for me!
A person may smell funny due to a variety of reasons. Perhaps they haven't bathed in an extended period of time. Or maybe they cooked something and the scent has lingered. They also may just have been exercising and forgot to use deodorant. However, it might just be that they are wearing a perfume or cologne that they think smells good but you disagree.
It could be because of a lack of hygiene or because they are sick. If a person is mentally ill or senile, they may not even be aware if they have messed their pants.
For other people, the odor is not that of excrement, but bad breath mimmicking that odor. It could be due to braces, dental problems, or a lack of oral hygiene.
It's because they have been near it.
When people eat fish, their breath can smell like fish, giving people the sense that the person smells like fish. It can also be that there have been a lot of fish where the person has been or fish have touched a person, making them smell like fish.
It is actually impossible for a body to smell of fish. Unless the person gets a raw fish and rubs it all over their body, a human body cannot smell of raw fish.
smell like fish
Fish itself has some odorless becoz of some chemical in their body.. where as when its die those are spoiled by bacteria so bad smell spreaded
Fish smell with their noses :)
I am not that sure, but this is what I think....Some fish get the stink depending on what they eat, or because of their surroundings of the underwater world, and partly from pollution.... Hope this helps!
yes i like it
Because they use there smell to get around stuff.
they are fish fish smell like fish its all the same I think so...........
Cats are drawn to the fish smell because their sense of smell is different that ours. Their sense of smell is about 15 times greater than ours. They like the fish smell because they love to eat fish.
removing scales smell cutting it cleaning it
Fish smell is simply called fish odor. If you are thinking of fish odor syndrome, it is called trimethylaminuria, and is a rare genetic disorder.
you can smell fish food. you can smell salt if your in the Ocean.