Bloat is a porcupinefish.
Maybe it is but maybe it just has a full tummy. It also could have bloat or some other disease.
Dictionaries dodge this persistent question.They mention cattle bloat and corporate bloat and bloatware but take no stand on floatability.These comments may be helpful:Does a Bloat Float?With cattle bloat it's usually foundthat in a lake they'll bob around.But corporate bloat is sure to sinka company in its own red ink.For bloated apps? It's sink or swim.Our bloatware hugely needs a trim!
It really depends on the severity of bloat, and whether it's frothy or foamy bloat or free-gas bloat. It also depends on the specific animal in question, as sometimes treatment for one type of ruminant animal is different for another. In short, it's best to see your local veterinarian for any issues with bloat in your livestock.
the water sinks in to the skin follicles and it causes them to swell/"Bloat" or your just allergic to dishsoap
The word is a 'Bloat'
Because. :3
Feed it some corn, Or the bunny could bloat up, and it could be very very fatal!!
You would come out eggs..(Clear white stuff) Umm.. you would most likely bloat. Be a reall b word to a bunch of people haha and that's basically it.