Maybe you just dont save after you released them.
Actually if they know an hm you can find them again. Otherwise they are gone.
Pokemon X and Pokemon Y are scheduled for a worldwide release (excluding some countries) on October 12th, 2013,Canada included.
Put the Pokemon you dont want in your PC. Press A on it and go down and press A on "Release". This will send the Pokemon back into the wild. You will probably never see that Pokemon again, so make sure you really want to release it before you really do it.NOTE: There is NO WAYto get back a Pokemon you released.
Pokemon Crater is coming back in 2008. The new website they made is called I know because I saw some videos on and because I found some links to that site. Pokemon Crater made Pokemon crater plz come back we beg you never to cheat]
if it is wild, search around the grass until you find it again. If it is a legendary Pokemon, you need to beat the elite four and it will come back. Some Pokemon, though, you cant. For example, in Pokemon Heartgold, if you KO the sudowoodo that you find near goldenrod city, you can't get it back.
They normally come out some time after they come out in Japan. The next Pokemon game to come out is Pokemon Platinum, they say that it will come out in America some time in 2009.
Hmmm... this seems interesting well maybe they just come back because they like you or maybe by coincidence well were did you expect it to go? to wonder land or something? or maybe its a different one unless it`s the exact legendary you released either way legendaries you encounter by coincidence and non legendaries well there more then one enjoy!
You need to buy some honey and put it on some trees. When you come back click the tree if it's shaking and you will find a Pokemon.Aipom is one of the rarer Pokemon to find in honey trees.
Some people believe that dinosaurs will come back in their life time. Some people believe that they will come back after there life time. Some people believe they will be cloned. Some people believe, that they will never come back. What ever you believe, you can believe. But I believe that dinosaurs will not come back ever, but will be cloned outside of my lifetime. - Christopher250 -
If you don't have room in your PC, you need to release some Pokemon. When the hand is over the Pokemon you want to release, press "A" and go down to "release." Press "A" again, and you will be asked if you really want to release this Pokemon. Select "Yes," and that Pokemon will essentially be deleted from your PC. This is true for all Pokemon games.
yes, try catching a ditto, then a legendary pokemon. go to the 4th island, then to the day care. let them grow the legendary pokemon and ditto. then come back after some time to the old man outside and he will give you an egg which will hatch to your legendary pokemon.
I'm not sure if they will in GBA and DS games, but they WILL if you are playing a Gamecube game.(I hope this helps u in some way...)