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shouting in deaf people only occurs when the person is partly deaf and as they can't hear themselves clearly they tend to shout as they feel the person they are talking to can't hear so they shout not known they are shouting

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16y ago

Depends on the situation, maybe they are annoyed, angry, upset or just plain nasty!

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13y ago

they yell when they sneeze because the noise gets to their brain which makes them yell (i hope this si enough information for you

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Q: Why do people yell so much?
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Why do the Gosselins yell so much?

They yell alot because they have 8 kids. Eight young kids. Kate is also a pretty bossy person so she yells more then most people. Just imagine having so many kids.

Why do parents yell so much?

it is a form of control and discipline

Why men shout at their wives?

Spending so much time with one person can irritate people. So some men get so irritated at their wives that they yell. Or they could be really drunk.

Something you yell that starts with a r?

People yell run, robber or rebound. People yell Ready, Set, Go.

When was the first use of the English alphabet?

so that people could use it to scientifically yell at people

What word do people yell when they cut down the tree?

People yell "TIMBER!!!" because if they yelled "DUCK!" everyone would take out their cameras so they could take a picture of the duck

Something you yell with a c?

People yell catch, charge, cheers and close the door. People yell come here, congratulations and cops.

What type of music do emos listen to yell?

Cause is racks music artist who yell at it again people yell at music

Something you yell out that starts with a T?

People yell Taxi, Thank you, and Timber. They also yell Touchdown, Tornado, Thief and Time out.

What do people do when their shot?

scream or yell for help.

Why do you yell boo?

To scare people on halloween!

Why did the people want slavery?

So they could make other people to do all work for Him/Her sometimes they would yell all time and beat them up