Paleness has to do with a decrease in blood flow (fainting/shock), reduced red blood cell numbers (anemia) or the body's response to a reduction in ambient temperature. Longterm pallor can also be a sign of a serious disease or condition (please check in with your doctor), but transient paleness is a perfectly normal result of a temporary situation like being sick with the flu.
No. They do sometimes turm pale when they are old or sick, though.
a good thing with bananas is: 1. theyre yellow 2. sometimes theyre green 3. maybe if you leave them too long they turn brown a bad thing with bananas is: 1. they look like sick 2. 100,000 people die a year by slipping on their skins 3. im allergic to them
Well,you don't sleep and you turn pale. or you drink a lot of alcohol and the next thing you know you're throwing up
Your face "turning green" is an expression. Your skin gets very pale and gives a perception that it is a lighter mint color. it does not actually change pigment.
theyre orange
The cast of Before Our Cheeks Turn Pale - 2011 includes: Yashar Alishenas
People who are born vegeterian mostly stay vegeterian.But people who turn vegeterian are sick and disgusted of meat.
No, mermaids are mythical creatures......theyre not real.
Bluish/purplish if a person is dead. Living people with low oxygen levels will look pale.
Yes..They do seem to fade.
lack of nitrogen
yes, they turn bright blue when sick