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Its generally because they want you to talk them out of it or help provide a solution to what is making them feel that way.

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Q: Why do people say to you that they want to kill themselves to you?
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Why does some people want to kill themselves?

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alot cause it hurts there feelings i would say about 20 people don't jsut kill themselves because it is because people are judgmental all the time.

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They mean that they don't care what they say because they want to be themselves.

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"Not enough want to change their self," is not correct grammar. You might say that "not enough people wish to make changes in themselves."

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This is how you do it. First you have to say that wikianswers sucks, then you have to say that you want to kill your mother, then you just have to kill more people on earth.

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some say that people build a house then other people kill or murder them in it and some say they just want revenge on people because they had a sucky and stingy life. whatever you want to think, its up to you.

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some people say that he was taking drugs like Ecstasy. Have you seen Jekell and Hyde? well that's what is does to you .

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Because Hollywood is corrupt, the people who are on TV are not usually Christians and don't live godly lives.

Why did Hitler want to kill the gews?

Some people say it was because his mother was Jewish. Others say because he wanted to blame the money lost on someone.