Because if you don't have fresh water, you eventually get sick and die.
Fresh water is important to a ciivilization because people need water to drink, water their crops and something like a river can serve as a way of transportation
fresh water
Fresh clean water is needed by animals including people for health. If the water available is not fresh or clean it may carry organisms or txins that will be harmful. Some countries have a shortage of fresh water for various reasons. The population of the country may be too large to be supported by the natural water resource, the water may be wasted or polluted by bad practices.
Fresh water
because they might not need fresh water some countries need only Salt water from the ocean
All animals need water. Without water, all animals will die. Parakeets need fresh water for drinking and bathing. It is advised you change their drinking water at least twice a day.
No, loggerhead turtles do not need fresh water. They have a specialized tear gland that excretes sodium and potassium. Thus, they are able to 'create' their own fresh water.
fresh water
Fresh Water
Fresh water.
because surfers contantly have salt water in there mouth and it dehydrates us so we need fresh water did that answer it bra
Hermit crabs do need both types of water but they need both water because they need to clean themselves and they just drink salt water.