because french kissing feels good and is a good way to express your feelings to a boyfriend/girlfriend and it gives you something to do when having sex
they mad eup "french kissing" what do ya think!?
Your girlfriend may not like french kissing for two reasons. 1. She doesn't like to have other people's tongue in her mouth. 2. She's afraid that she could get diseases.
If you go on youtube and put french kissing or if you don't know how to kiss put how to french kiss and that should help/ show you what it looks like when two people french kiss!! =-b
The advanced form of french kissing is sticking your tongue in different places and kissing is and making out and differnet stuff like that
because it is french kissing.
There pretty much the same
It means two people French kissing ( tongues )
be french and then drown them whilst kissing
hahah, myself I like french kissing. But everyone's different :).
It is called French kissing.
lick thiermoth not thier tounge
if someone is french kissing it would be open-mouthed which would be easy to spot... i wouldn't know why someone would be asking a question like this... stare at people making out umm ok then but have fun...