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Poor diet.

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Q: Why do people have vision problems?
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What are three common vision problems after surgical eye correction?

Three common vision problems after surgical eye correction are permanent loss of sight, double vision, and inadequate or dysfunctional night vision.

What is machine vision?

it has a lot of problems

Who are the only people who can see a total solar eclipse?

Anyone can if they have proper eyesight. Blind people can't see one and people with certain serious vision problems.

What do the eyeglasses do for the people?

Eyeglasses help people see more clearly, however they are not for everyone. Only people with vision problems wear eyeglasses, such as myself. Because people have all kinds of different vision problems different prescriptions are assigned to the persons specific needs. If you wear glasses that don't belong to you are are the wrong prescription you will damage your own eyes and you yourself will require glasses.

How do people have a better eye sight?

Revision is natural way to supercharge and maintain A healthy brain & vision. It is made with a mix of herbs that improves brain functions and vision. I have placed a link in my bio that you can check out

How does color vision problems affect victims?

Color vision problems affect victims because they are not able to see the perception of color. Color vision are not able to distinguish shades or there is a total inability to detect color.

What are the side effects of antiprotozoal drugs?

Some people feel dizzy, confused, lightheaded, or less alert when using these drugs. The drugs may also cause blurred vision and other vision problems.

I heard about a visual aid that enlarges print for people who have vision problems...It is called "pebble". Can you tell me more about it?

Can you give me information about a vision enhancement product called "pebble" which enlarges and highlights printed matter?

Examine eyes for vision problems and defects?


Why do kids with Down syndrome have vision problems?

not all kids with down syndrome have vision problems, its just the way the birth defect takes on the nerves in the brain of the child

What technologies allow people with vision problems to more easily receive output from a computer?

they either need a awesome keyboard that does the typing for them or telekinesis

What are the negatives of an optometrist?

If you are having problems with your vision, you would visit an optometrist. The negative to this is that they can only correct vision problems with glasses. If anything is medically wrong, the optometrist can't help.