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Q: Why do people feel too much sleepy?
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Your period is 11 days away and a couple of days ago you started to have to urinate a lot more often and you feel sleepy and you are always hungry could this mean you are pregnant?

I don't have much of an answer but this is happening to me too!

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Half a bottle makes you feel high it takes a while too get you there but it does. You get very sleepy before hand. So it sucks.

Why do people feel tired?

We are like phones. If we do too much of something such as playing sports, all of a sudden you start to not feel too well and feel tired. So if you take a rest or nap or sleep, then you will feel energized again.

How do a person feel when losing to much blood?

When a person loses too much blood, they may feel weak, dizzy, and lightheaded. Paleness, rapid heart rate, and shortness of breath are common symptoms. In severe cases, they may experience confusion, cold clammy skin, and even loss of consciousness.

How were spanish soldiers slain during the course of the armada?

they ate too much chocolate cheesecake and was too full up... this made them sleepy....

Is 145 and 5'8 too much for a 22 year old girl?

what do you mean by too much? Do you feel good about yourself? Do you appreciate what you can do? Then, no its not too much! what do you mean by too much? Do you feel good about yourself? Do you appreciate what you can do? Then, no its not too much!

When much is too much?

When your starting to feel a little too comfortable.

What time should you go to sleep?

you should go to sleep at 9:00 because 10 is too late and 8 is too early.

Why do elderly people chew constantly?

Because they feel that there is too much room in their mouth since they got their dentures.

People was gettin high loool?

people get high because if they are under alot of stress they dont wanna feel it and if you wanna go to sleep or feel good you get high but dont do it too much

Why do i feel like im drowning when i drink too much water?

you feel like that because you are drinking too much water a day

When is enough too much?

When your starting to feel a little too comfortable.