most people feel that daer is good for their children and other people who do drugs. and not to get influenced to do drugs.<3 (:
because it feels like when u starve you feel the need to do it
People use drugs and alcohol to feel good and to have an escape.
There are many reasons for people take drugs:-LegalityPrescribed MedicationFitting InDepressionPeer PressureTo Feel GoodAvailabilityGatewayExperimentingSelf Medicating
drug is addictive an the more the person take drugs the more the become dependant on it more frequently. people bring drugs to school is usually because they feel they need to use it during school time when their addiction kick in. another possible reason is to sell drugs or promote drug user. the more people use drugs, the more people get addicted to drugs and the more people would buy drugs and that is where greed on money steps in
To feel good idiot
people may use drugs for fun to make them feel better about themselves or they need them to make them become well and healthy. there are many other reasons i think it depends what type of people you refer to.
If people sell drugs it is because they feel they arien't good enough and they are depressed.They also need money and use it wrongly.People take drugs for the same reasons pretty much.
beacause they feel that they need to beacause they feel that they need to
they make u feel good inside, but an alternative to drugs is finding a person to love.
drugged up there are different types of drugs and each individual drug has a different feel so stating people on drugs may be a question needed to be asked more specific in detail. But basiclly the most notorious of the most used drugs feeling are numbess, cloud like floating or hyper very alert type.
Drugs create changes in the brain, principally in the pleasure center, that cause you to need more and more drugs to make yourself feel good. The other side of that coin is that, when you remove the drugs, you tend to feel bad -- in the case of heroin and some other drugs, very very bad -- because your brain has become altered to require the presence of the drugs.