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Because gas is let lose in the privacy of a bathroom

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Q: Why do people fart when they go to the bathroom?
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Related questions

What do you do of you have to fart in pubilc?

Fart, people shouldn't be so grossed out by it. They do it too! If your in church, class, a meeting or you will be embarrased just excuse yourself to go to the bathroom

When do cats fart?

When they do their business or out of the blue you really can't say when they fart because they do it when ever or when they have to go to the bathroom.

In petz nursery how do you take them to the bathroom?

when the sign appears that it has to go to the bathroom or it has to really go ! you just let it fart on the rug it leaves no mess that's when the sign disappears

How do girls react when they need to fart in front of their boyfriend?

well she'll probably announce it or either go into the bathroom to fart as quietly as she can

What do people do when the have to fart?

they run to the bathroom before someone dies they make a weird face

How do you hide a fart when your girlfriends in the house?

If you need to fart when at your girlfriends house excuse yourself to the bathroom.

When should you fart in public if it must be done?

in the bathroom

Is it okay to fart on a first date?

NO! It´s not ok on any date. Excuse yourself and go to the bathroom and think about what you eat and drink.

how do people fart?

they go to the rest room

Why do people go to the bathroom naked?

Sometimes its like an OCD a person has, that they like to go to the bathroom naked.

What does it mean to be a boring girlfriend?

no clue . go poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop fart on people

How do handycap people go to the bathroom?

they go the same way we do