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Mescaline, an alkaloidal halluncinogen, is one of the active ingredients in the buttons harvested from the Peyote cactus, indigenous to the American Southerwest desert. This hallucinogen has been used for centuries in religious rituals by various Native American tribes. It seems to have made its way into the illicit recreational drug market in the early 1960's. Like so many hallucinogens, it isn't a very popular drug, as this type of drug doesn't really make you feel good, relaxed, optimistic, happy, etc. Instead, it tends to amplify the mood you're already in. Also, alkaloidal compounds, especially ones harvested from a natural source, have a tendency to cause gastritis and vomiting -- never a good time. Today, the majority of mescaline users -- I think -- are still Native Americans using it legally as part of religious ceremonies. Those that take it recreationally typically do so for the near-hallucinations it produces and the somatic effects.

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Q: Why do people abuse hallucinogens?
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These substances are taken for their mind altering effects and have no medical purpose?

drugs of abuse Hallucinogens.

People who use hallucinogens often experience?

Hallucinogens are a class of psychoactive drugs that can cause people to think, feel and react differently than normal. People who use hallucinogens often experience increased concentration.

How many people use hallucinogens?

More and more people are illegally using hallucinogens, and the number cannot be recorded due to the fact that those using it illegally are not recorded.

How many people take hallucinogens?


Are hallucinogens stimulants?

Most hallucinogens are controlled substances in the US because of their alleged potential for abuse. though if not taken responsibly can lead to bodily harm or death. Some have limited application in medicine and research. All Tryptamine Hallucinogens were made illegal along with LSD some time during the 60s.

Why did hallucinogens become illegal?

The affect they had on people was obvious and devastating.

What does the word Hallucinogens mean?

what does hallucinogens means

Can you mix Cymbalta and hallucinogens?

People have taken hallucinogens and antidepressants such as Cymbalta together, although the results are mixed. Sometimes people report more intense experiences, while more often the effects of the hallucinogen are weaker. Although serious reactions seem unlikely, it is best not to mix antidepressants and hallucinogens. Additionally, those with severe depression are discouraged from taking hallucinogens anyway, as they may exacerbate symptoms.

What Do You Call people That Are Additcted To Hallucinogens?

I would go with someone who is addicted to drugs.

When were hallucinogens most popular?

Most people would stupidly say "The 60's or 70's!" but that's not true, hallucinogens were most common in Medieval times and earlier

Where does hallucinogens come from?

Ecspecially mushrooms Hallucinogens is found in fungi.

Characteristics of Hallucinogens are?

There are many characteristics of hallucinogens. Hallucinogens are very dangerous drugs that cause mental impairment and irritation of the human tissues.