non polar molecules dissolve in fat due to the fact that fat is also a nonpolar molecule, and have u ever heard of the saying "like dissolves in like" well non polar molecules dissolve in other non polar molecules. Hope that helps
Polar molecules tend to dissolve in water because water is a polar solvent. Nonpolar molecules are less likely to dissolve in water and usually form separate layers or clusters.
Nonpolar molecules are generally not soluble in water because water is a polar molecule and like dissolves like. Nonpolar molecules do not interact well with the polar water molecules, making them insoluble.
A polar solute is expected to be soluble in a non-polar solvent. This is because "like dissolves like" – polar molecules tend to dissolve in polar solvents, and non-polar molecules dissolve in non-polar solvents.
Oils and fats dissolve in other fats and oils, as they are non-polar molecules. They do not dissolve in water, which is a polar molecule.
Polar substances dissolve in water because they have similar polar characteristics that allow them to interact and mix well. Non-polar substances, on the other hand, do not dissolve in water because water is a polar molecule and cannot effectively interact with non-polar molecules.
No, sugars are polar molecules considering that they will interact and dissolve in water (which is also a polar molecule). Polar molecules will only interact with other polar molecules and vice-versa.
Because oil molecules are non-polar. This website through Encarta will explain to you the properties of Kerosene and tell you that it is insoluble. Kerosene with most other Alkanes are non polar, water is polar. Non polar molecules can only dissolve with other non polar molecules. The same for polar in that they cannot dissolve in any other but polar molecules.
To put it simply like dissolves like when it comes to polar and non-polar solutes/solvents. Water is polar so it dissolves polar things.
Ionic compounds would be least likely to dissolve in water as they are held together by strong electrostatic forces that are not easily broken by water molecules. Non-polar compounds are also unlikely to dissolve in water because water is a polar solvent and non-polar compounds are not attracted to water molecules.
Non polar compounds (i.e. oil, fat)
No it is a triglyceride fat and non-polar and hence does not dissolve in water