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Minor fluid discharge is okay. But I advice to visit an expert doctor.

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Q: Why do my girl friend of 18 usually have fluid discharge from her breast during romance especially when am sucking her breast?
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Why do you have a brown discharge?

That probably IS your period, the blood isn't usually red... It often comes out in the form of a brownish discharge, especially if you're young or on birth control.

Which type of lagoon allows a discharge usually once or twice a year?

Controlled Discharge Lagoon

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A river discharge is usually greatest at a given fall.

What color is discharge before your period?

Usually white

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Aquifer discharge will usually manofest itself as a spring. The water will have minerals dissolved in it which improves the taste.

What does it mean if you have your normal clear discharge for a week longer than you usually have it?

clear discharge can secrete everyday for some people, especially if you are sexually active, however, because discharge is a form of cleansing the body, i would say you should drink plenty of water if you dont already (8 glasses a day)or it may be the start of a yeast infection which is very normal and common. clear discharge that doesnt have a smell is nothing to worry about, its only if its smelly and thick

Do you get less discharge before starting your period?

No. You usually get more.

What is the definition of a corona discharge?

A corona discharge is the ionization of the surrounding atmosphere after an electrical discharge. This can usually be seen as a glowing of a different color near high voltage conductor points.

Can anorexia cause brown discharge a week before you get your period?

Not usually, no.

What is female discharge?

depends upon the age of the child (for a list of usual suspects), and the location of the discharge assuming vaginal discharge (since most other types have a more specific name) it could be normal bodily secretions, or a variety of infections. if the discharge has an especially unpleasant smell; is white, gray, or yellow; or could be described as the consistency of cottage cheese, then the child may have an infection. if so, see a health professional for recommendations.

What does white discharge mean during the last weeks of pregnancy?

A white discharge usually means a vaginal infection.

Would black or greenish discharge from your breast be something to worry about?

Green, yellow, or blackish discharge is usually a sign of infection. See a doctor.