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Most of the online advice units give that type of advice because of the research that has been made in the past of the same.

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Q: Why do most online advice units claim that it is absolutely impossible to damage or burst your bladder even if it is struck hard when over-distended?
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With absolutely no knowledge of the facts of the case it is impossible to answer this question -- and in addition -- this site is NOT the venue for seeking specific legal advice.

How can bladder problems be best dealt with Need advice.?

Bladder problems are best dealt with seeing a doctor to rule out underlying conditions, such as infection.

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Hello, My advice is ?

Hello, My advice is to see a general surgeon for you to see if you can have you gall bladder removed, with these symptoms it seems that would be the next best step to relieve your syptoms

Does cipro cure uti or bladder infections?

It may do so. contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

Where can I find advice online about my bladder problem?

Bladder problems may be serious and should always be addressed with your doctor. However, for preliminary research, you may try searching credible online health resources such as WebMD or the MayoClinic.

What two problems could develop if we do not get advice from a doctor?

Kidney problems, bladder infection, prostate problems or urinary tract problems

What are the signs of bladder stones in dogs?

Straining to pass urine, blood in urine (urine can appear pink or red), pain on urination and increased frequency of urination. Sometimes you can even feel the bladder stones grinding in the bladder if you feel the abdomen gently. Answer questions on for interactive advice from vets.

My cat keeps on peeing everywhere she's in heat but it isn't that shes marking her territory it may be a bladder infection but not too sure is a bladder infection causing this?

By my calculation your cat probably has an bladder infection. We do not know what is causing it but you should try going to the vet to check if it is not a bladder infection or not. We are not sure about the bladder nfection but you should try goiung to the vet. And one more advice. Sometime you don't have to listen to a computer. If there is a serious infection or a problem go to the doctor right away so nothing bad could happen. I hope this advice could help you. Thank you for taking time reading this passage or text.

How is Dr. Phil a hero?

he think nothing is impossible. he help everyone, he gives advice to me that is a hero

Does a UTI stop you from having menstrual periods?

No, a urinary track infection doesn't stop you from having menstrual periods. Menstruation is controlled by your menstrual cycle, hormonal changes throughout your reproductive organs, it has absolutely nothing to do with your urinary tract or bladder.

Does getting medical advice on this site cost money?

No - BUT - since absolutely anyone can answer the questions posted, any medical advice given may not come from a qualified medical professional ! You should always seek confirmation of any advice on here - from your own doctor !